Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Decreasing Incident Response Time...

Seems like security incidents are occurring more often with mild to significant impact on consumers and various organizations, e.g. JP Morgan Chase, Target, Sony, etc.

Referring to the Verizon Data Breach Report year after year confirms that incident response times to such incidents are increasing, rather than decreasing, with root cause identification of the problems not occurring for months after the security incident in many cases - this can cause a pessimistic view among many security teams, however, there are a lot of good things happening in the security space that I want to share with you.

Many organizations have readily invested in various effective security technologies and personnel training to help improve security posture and minimize risk accordingly. A critical component to the incident response problem is the time associated with weeding through all the false alarms generated by various security devices, e.g. firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, security reporting agents, etc. The problem is further exacerbated by the growing speeds of networks and network virtualization, many security tools simply can't process data fast enough on 10G, 40G, or 100G network environments or simple lack visibility.

The good news is that solutions are available to help maintain visibility in such high-speed networks. Such solutions can also correlate network transactions with security alarms to help identify problems faster and decrease incident response times. The key is to integrate loss-less network recording systems with existing security tools using feature-rich application programming interfaces (APIs). The APIs help with automating security related tasks.

Security automation is key to decreasing incident response time. Imagine being able to automate the retrieval and correlation of network transactions to any security log event aggregated into a SIEM, or mapping packet data to any IPS alarm, or pinpointing application threads that trigger a specific application performance alarm - this is all possible now with high-speed loss-less recording systems and API integration with SIEMs, Firewalls, IPS devices, and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) systems. Yes, I am assuming your organization invested in these solutions...

As a side note, Real-time NetFlow generation on dedicated appliances is proving to be a good solution where full recording options are not available due to privacy policy conflicts, these solutions can provide much better network visibility than legacy NetFlow implementations that rely on network sampling, especially over 40G and 100G network environments. NetFlow is coming back in a strong way to provide security teams much needed visibility, NetFlow isn't just for Network Operations anymore.

The bottom line is this, mainstream security products are becoming more open to integration with 3rd party solutions and high-speed network recording system are becoming more affordable. As a result, the security automation described above will become more prevalent among security operation teams as time goes on and this is a very good thing in my humble opinion.

The security industry as a whole is improving, there is much more collaboration going on now than ever before, and I am seeing some significant improvements being made among hardware and software vendors that make me feel very optimistic about our capabilities to decrease our incident response time moving forward. If your interested in seeing some of the concepts discussed here in action, drop me a note, I would be glad to setup a conference call and provide you a live demonstration...

Stay well,

Boni Bruno